Da die sozialen Medien massiv manipuliert werden, habe ich entschieden meine Nachrichten ausschließlich hier auf meine Seite zu veröffentlichen. Absolut alle dürfen meine Nachrichten auch öffentlich kommentieren, nachdem man sich bei mir vorgestellt und bereit erklärt hat, auch seine Kontaktdaten zu veröffentlichen. So könnte man direkt Kontakt zu dem kommentierenden aufnehmen, wenn man nicht öffentlich mit ihm kommunizieren möchte! Fakten werde ich nicht checken! Wer Zweifel hat, soll sich direkt mit den Urhebern in Verbindung setzen und dies mit ihnen klären. Erlaubt sind maximal 15 Zeilen. Die Kommentare werden der Reihe nach veröffentlicht und das könnte mehreren Tagen, sowie Wochen und Monate dauern, weil alles vorher überprüft werden muss, ob die Kommentare Hass, Hetze, Beleidigungen etc. beinhalten! Hier wird man mit mir, nur sachliche Diskussionen führen können.
Since social media is being massively manipulated, I have decided to publish my messages exclusively here on my page. Absolutely everyone can comment on my messages publicly, after introducing themselves to me and agreeing to publish their contact details. This way you can contact the commenter directly if you don’t want to communicate with them publicly! I will not check facts! If you have any doubts, you should contact the authors directly and clarify this with them. A maximum of 15 lines are allowed. The comments will be published one after the other and this could take several days, weeks or months, because everything has to be checked beforehand to see whether the comments contain hate, incitement, insults, etc.! Here you will only be able to have factual discussions with me.
Latest News:
USA: To Secretary of State Marco Rubio:
Unfortunately, we can no longer trust you Republicans! You can certainly understand that after everything that Donald Trump and his supporters have done and are doing! All I can say is: God protect us from the Republicans. They are as false as snakes! They do evil and preach good! Diplomacy is no use to you anymore! At this point, however, I must stress that this does not apply to all Republicans! But anyone who supports Donald Trump’s intimidation methods and policies cannot expect understanding!
What nonsense are you spreading, Marco?
„You are relying on us to form the front line? That is not an alliance? That is a dependency, and we do not want that?“
That is a distortion of the facts and the truth! Were all the Republicans who ruled before you idiots? Have all the Republicans who ruled before you done everything wrong? Are you smarter and more intelligent than everyone else? Your fall will be very deep, as I have already told Donald! And here is the clarification:
We are the front line and not you! We are between Russia, China and the USA and not you! You have weakened us and you are continuing to weaken us! But not only our children, but also your children and grandchildren will feel this! You don’t treat allies like this! You discuss things with allies in private and resolve everything confidentially and amicably! You don’t attack allies publicly! That is treason! That is not an alliance!
U.S. Posted to Department of Defense at X:
Special Message to all generals:
Attacks on General Mark Milley are attacks on all generals. The USA is not Russia! I am sure that the generals of the US Army will put Pete Hegseth in his place! I would tell him officially and publicly that he will face the harshest consequences of the US Army if he does not apologize to General Mark Milley and put things right! Pete Hegseth is making a fool of the US Army and embarrassing the USA worldwide! He is allowed to have and express an opinion, but actions have nothing to do with freedom of expression! This must also be made clear to Donald Trump!
Posted to GOP at X:
Special Message to All Republicans:
Someone who not only violates the dignity of humans, but also the dignity of cats and dogs, is supported by the Republicans!
Nobody in the world is afraid of you!
You are now proud of what you do!
But very few people pay attention to what you do!
Most people despise what you do!
So that’s how you make America great?
Poor America!
Posted to Donald Trump at X:
The difference in the transfer of power is enormous!
Fact check:
Votes counted in 2020:
Democrats – 81,283,074 + 7,060,115
Republicans – 74,222,959
Reaction from Donald Trump
Votes counted in 2024:
Republicans – 77,303,428 + 2,284,499
Democrats – 75,018,929
Reaction from Joe Biden
Donald Trump and his supporters (the Republicans) will drive the USA and the EU to ruin! The USA will be unpopular worldwide because of Donald Trump and his machinations and manipulations and everyone in the EU and all Americans will feel that!
Your comment: ?
Your contact details: ?
What’s going on! Are you now scared when you have to stand behind what you write?